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Frequently Asked Questions

The Appointments Office

What does the Governor’s Appointments Office do?
The Appointments Office recruits and appoints Marylanders to more than 600 boards and commissions on behalf of the Governor.

What do boards and commissions do?
Boards and commissions are largely volunteer leadership bodies that guide policy, operations and vital programs that impact all Marylanders— but who work largely under the public radar. These are the public servants who issue licenses to doctors, architects and amusement park operators; who set training standards for police, teachers and 911 responders; who make sure that all Marylanders can access the arts; who safeguard and promote our state’s African American heritage; who set economic development policy and oversee government efforts to attract and retain businesses.

How can I contact the Governor’s Appointments Office?
Please send an email to or call 410-974-2611

How do I request a meeting with the Secretary of Appointments?
To request a meeting with Secretary of Appointments Tisha Edwards, please email

Can I go through the Appointments Office to schedule a meeting with the Governor?
No, the Appointments Office does not handle scheduling for the governor. Use this form to request a meeting with the governor.

Applying for Boards and Commissions

How do I apply to serve on a Maryland board or commission?
Please use this link to submit an online application. You will need to use a laptop or desktop computer and upload a PDF of your resume. You cannot complete the application on a mobile device. 

Do I have to create a User Account to apply for a board or commission?
Yes, a User Account is required. To create your account:

  1. Next to ‘Don’t have an account?’, click Sign up now
  2. Populate the Email Address field and click Send Verification Code
  3. Retrieve the email with the verification code and enter it
  4. Enter Password, First Name and Last Name and click Create
  5. The Welcome screen will show the username in the upper right if your login was successful

What if I forgot my password?

  • Click Forgot your password?
  • Enter Email Address
  • Click Send verification code
  • Retrieve the verification code in your email inbox, enter it and click Verify code
  • You will be notified that the email address is verified and that you can now continue
  • Click Continue and enter New Password
    • If your account already exists, you will be taken to the Welcome screen
    • If your account does NOT exist, you will see an alert: An account could not be found for the provided user ID
    • Click Continue and then Sign up now

How do I upload a PDF of my resume to the application portal?
Make sure you are not attempting to submit a resume on a mobile device. Convert your resume to a PDF file before uploading it as part of your application. 

Why am I having trouble submitting my application? What do I need to do for it to submit?
If your application won’t submit, please make sure you have filled out all necessary fields. If you missed a question, you will not be able to successfully submit the application.

Is there anyone I can contact to help me with my application?

Email for technical support questions about:

  • Log-in related issues
  • Password issues
  • Site issues
  • Resume upload issues
  • Unable to submit issues

Email or call 410-974-2611 for questions about:

  • Board & commission eligibility
  • Application status
  • Profile information 
  • User account
  • Applicant recommendations

How many boards can I apply for at one time?
You may apply for up to 10 boards in a year. You may also indicate on the application that you are interested in being considered for boards for which you did not apply. 

How many boards can I serve on at one time?
You may serve on just one board at a time. In extraordinary circumstances, board service on more than one board may be approved by the Appointments Secretary. 

Why do I have to provide so much demographic information? 

The Appointments Office is committed to making sure all our boards and commissions are representative of the state and the many and diverse communities it serves. Applicant data helps us deliver on this commitment. 

Will my application be considered differently if I do/don’t disclose certain information?
Other than any applicable statutory qualifications for board or commission membership, all Moore-Miller Administration appointments are made without regard for age; ancestry; color; creed; gender identity and expression; genetic information; marital status; mental or physical disability; national origin; race; religious affiliation, belief or opinion; sex; or sexual orientation.

Do I have to provide three references? What if I can’t?
The purpose of references is for us to learn more about you! We recommend reaching out to employers, colleagues, acquaintances or clients—people who can speak to your experience and work. If you are unable to provide three references, you may still apply.

Can I make changes to my application after I submit it?
Yes! After you create an account, you may log in to update your personal information at any time.

(*For those who applied prior to May 2023, you must create an account with the same email address that you entered in your previous application.)

Is there a specific time of year during which I must apply to a board or commission?
No. We make appointments year-round, with a focus on:

  • 200+ Senate-confirmable boards, December-April
  • 400+ General boards, May-November

Making a Board Recommendation

How do I submit a recommendation for someone, or on behalf of my organization?
Use this recommendation form.

The Appointments Process

What is a Senate-confirmable board? 

In Maryland, the governor is responsible for appointing members to more than 600 boards and commissions, and in some cases, the law requires that those appointments be made with the advice and consent of the Senate. In these cases, nominees have a confirmation hearing before the Senate Executive Nominations Committee. If the committee votes to confirm, the nominee then goes to the full Senate for a final confirmation vote. 

When can I apply for a Senate-confirmable board?
You may apply to these boards at any time, but appointments to them take place mostly during the legislative session, January-April. Appointments to fill vacancies on Senate-confirmable boards can take place outside of session–pending Senate confirmation during the upcoming legislative session.

If I am not appointed to a board I applied for, may I be considered for other boards?
Absolutely! You may apply for up to 10 boards in a given year. And once you create an account, all your information and application history will be saved in our application portal, and you may edit your board preferences and applicant profile whenever you like. There is also a question on the application asking if you would be willing to be appointed to boards other than those for which you applied. This helps us match you with an opportunity for which you are eligible.

Once I apply, how long before I hear whether or not I will be appointed to a board?

We review applicants and make appointments on a rolling basis. If you are selected to serve on a board or commission, you will be contacted by the Appointments Office.

What are the steps involved in appointing people to boards?
Once you apply, your application is reviewed by the Appointments Office. There are many factors we consider when selecting nominees: Some board seats require specific qualifications, such as licenses or recommendations from certain organizations. We review applicants’ professional and personal information to ensure we are appointing the best possible talent to our boards and commissions, and appointing individuals who will make our boards and commissions more representative of our state. Finally, we vet all candidates under consideration for board service.

If I’m appointed, what can I expect in terms of onboarding before I begin my board service?
This will vary depending on the board. We recommend reaching out to the Executive Director of the board, or to the associated agency, for onboarding details.

General Board Information 

How do I find out about specific board meetings, procedures, rules or board matters?
Contact the Executive Director of a board for information regarding the board’s rules and procedures.

Are board members compensated?
A small handful of boards provide monetary compensation to their members. Many more provide a stipend or per diem to cover expenses associated with attending meetings. The vast majority of board and commission appointments are considered volunteer appointments and do not include compensation.

Is there a board/commission attendance requirement?

Yes, this requirement varies from board to board, but as a rule, all members must attend at least 50% of meetings to remain in good standing. Boards report attendance annually to the Appointments Office and the Appointments Office may remove members for failing to meet the attendance requirement.

How can I report wrongdoing on a board that I work for/with?
If you suspect wrongdoing on a board you serve on or with which you work, please email the Appointments Office at

Who should I contact about resigning from a board or commission?
Please email the Executive Director of your board and copy (cc) the Appointments Office at

Are current board members expected to apply for reappointment?
Reappointment to a second term is not automatic. We give reappointments the same consideration we give new appointments, so yes, current board members who wish to serve a second term should submit an application in order to be considered for reappointment. When you submit your application, please indicate your current appointment under the “Previous Government Appointments” question in the Background Highlights section of the application.